Wednesday, January 30, 2019

One-off time change - 2pm Sunday, Feb. 3

With the Super Bowl kicking off around 5:30, it has been requested that we begin our game earlier this Sunday. 

Hope to see you all at 2pm!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

No game Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019

With a layer of snow, then freezing rain and additional blowing snow, there will be no game today. Stay tuned for word on the remaining matches scheduled for this weekend.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Sunday matches

The Sunday games will now be on the upper fields. The gates to the main entrance have been locked the last few weeks. Also Tom can pull the nets closer to the field on the upper level.

Please keep in mind the games start at 3:30p. Starting closer to 4p doesn’t leave much time for playing given the early sunset. So we absolutely want everyone there so we can begin closer to 3:30p.

Hope to see you on the field soon!
