Friday, January 16, 2015

Who Are Ya!! - Elias Nyakpor

Where were you born?
I 'm from Togo in west Africa.

If you were not born in the Kansas City area, when did you arrive and what circumstances brought you to KC?I've been here in KC since July 2014. My wife is from here.

What team(s) do you support as a fan?
For fan, I support my country team, Les Eperviers du Togo.

How did you find the Youngs Park game?
I found the young park game because of my friend, Norris. We go to the same church (Jacob Well) and I was asking him to find soccer players so I could practice more. He introduced me to Christopher who plays soccer in the same place every Sunday with Papa. I met Papa and he invited me to the Youngs Park game.

Can you tell us something about yourself that not everyone in the group would know?
I'm 37 old, I'm married and we have a son. For work, I used to make teck furniture (every design), I had  my own business for 12 years and now I'm a stay at home dad.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Who Are Ya!! - Meredith Keith

Where were you born?
Rapid City, South Dakota

If you were not born in the Kansas City area, when did you arrive and what circumstances brought you to KC?
I arrived in 2012 after my husband was accepted to medical school at KU.

What team(s) do you support as a fan? 
Sporting KC; I am not a sports fan but rather enjoy playing all sports. 

What is your earliest soccer memory? 
I was given a pastel colored soccer ball toy as a baby; I lived on an Indian reservation in South Dakota at that time and soccer had always been a dream for me. Only when I moved off was I able to start my passion for soccer. 

How did you find the Youngs Park game? 
Tons of searching online for pick up soccer. 

Can you tell us something about yourself that not everyone in the group would know? 
I have moved around a lot in my 28 years of life and the one thing that has been constant in my life has been soccer. I am so happy to have found you all and enjoy getting to know you in the coming year.
Here is some additional info about me:

Monday, January 5, 2015

Who Are Ya!! - 2015 Edition

As we begin 2015, it seems like as good a time as any to revisit a favorite feature of our group's blog: Who are ya!!

What follows is the original post from early 2011 [you can find all entries by searching the labels on the right-hand side of the page, or clicking here]:

This is a great idea suggested by Bob G:

We have played soccer together over the years, yet many of us don't know each other that well. In this section of the Youngs Park Blog, please share about yourself so others can get to know you. Keep in mind this is the Internet, so be careful posting sensitive information, but include as much as possible to let people know Who Are Ya!!

You can use the following questions as a starting point, if you like, or just write whatever comes to mind:

  1. Where were you born?
  2. If you were not born in the Kansas City area, when did you arrive and what circumstances brought you to KC?
  3. What team(s) do you support as a fan?
  4. What is your earliest soccer memory?
  5. How did you find the Youngs Park game?
  6. Can you tell us something about yourself that not everyone in the group would know?

If you would like to participate, please send me an email. I will run them in the order they are sent, posting one a week.

Hope you find this interesting!
